Friday, 18 May 2018

Shared Shed Space and Private Eye

This week I got another cartoon in Private Eye!

Hurrah! And chin-chin! I feel like it might be time for some levity myself!
(Both the cartoons I have had accepted have been set in the seventeenth century. Now that I know what they are looking for, nothing can hold me back ...)
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Over the last two weekends, I have had a very pleasant time sitting in a shed with my good friend Uta Baldauf recording a podcast called “Shared Shed Space”.

We invited passers-by to come in and answer our questions about sharing and space.  I found the enormous variety of answers to our six simple repeated questions utterly fascinating.  
The results have been edited into the three podcasts here:
Session 1 (20 minutes)
Session 2 (20 minutes) 
Session 3 (32 minutes)

This project was organised with Atelier Craft Club and Workshops in Stroud, whose shed we were sharing. Many thanks, Kath!

1 comment:

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