Friday, 12 January 2018

Private Eye

Woo-hoo! Exciting news! I have a cartoon in Private Eye this week (no. 1461). And I’m even more excited about this than the two Puritans pictured:

In other news, Miserable Malcolm will be appearing at the “Turn Left at The Albert” fundraiser in Stroud on Sunday 21st of January, alongside Elvis MacGonagall, Jonny Fluffypunk, Tom Johnson and Rachel Thomas. Tickets are £10 and it starts at 7.30pm.

And, in very advance news, Miserable Malcolm will be running his very first poetry workshop, which is part of this year’s Cheltenham Poetry Festival and is entitled “Write More Depressing Poetry with Miserable Malcolm”. 

It’s on 24th April and I’m giving advance notice so that you can make sure you’re busy on that day! Or, if you're a glutton for this sort of punishment, you can book here.