Wednesday, 22 November 2017

The Weight on My Mind

Just as the Christmas juggernaut approaches, tinkling with sleighbells and crushing all in its way, I have made a new little book of cartoons.
It is called The Weight on My Mind and features sixteen cartoons of this sort of thing:

If you live in Stroud or nearby, I’ll be at the Museum in the Park’s Festive IllustratorsFair on Saturday 2nd and Sunday 3rd November, sitting there between 11.30am and 4.30pm among suitcases full of books.

If you can’t wait that long, there will also be copies for sale at Deb Roberts’ This and That exhibition on Lower Street, Stroud, this weekend 25th and 26th November and next (2nd and 3rd of December).  Open between 11am and 3pm on both days, it’s a very entertaining exhibition, full of photos of Stroud-based artists, photographs and poets alongside examples of their work, and well worth a visit. 

If you’re not in Stroud, I’d be very happy to post copies (UK only) for an extra £1.50 p&p for any number of copies (i.e. 5 copies will cost £1.50 p&p in total, as will one copy).

Please contact me via the email address on this website, or direct message me on my Facebook Hawker’s Pot page or on Twitter @hawkerspot if you would like me to send you a book and I will get back to you. Many thanks!

Thursday, 16 November 2017

Well, well, well, and a Poetry Reading

The latest Stroud Poets pamphlet (published by Philip Rush’s excellent Yew Tree Press) is being launched tonight, and my poems are featured in it alongside those of Kirsty Pridgeon and Liz Willis. The launch event is at Stroud’s Museum in the Park and starts at 7.30. Entry is free, and along with the three poets featured in the pamphlet there will also be readings by Peter Owen Jones, Tonia Maddison, Kim Baker and Jay Ramsay. 
(Note for the unwary: I will be reading as myself, not as Miserable Malcolm, and some of the poems are even a little bit cheery.)

Friday, 3 November 2017

Hairing About

He seems to be in a terrible hairy.

(And next week, we'll be featuring the must-dash moustache.)

*    *    *    *

In other news, I will be at the Meet the Authors event at Stroud Book Festival this Saturday, between 10 and 12 at the Subscription Rooms, and will be signing copies of The Life and Times of Algernon Swift.

Also, here’s advance notice of our November Open Studios at Piccadilly Mill West. Please come up the fire escape and say hello!