Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Steel Yourself


Hawker's Pot said...

OK. The last in that particular series ...

Cindy Jefferies said...

i am not a robot, or any other metallic contrivance. Promise.

Will you be in Stroud market this coming Saturday?

Hawker's Pot said...

Hello Cindy,
Good to hear from you.
I'm not planning to be there this Saturday -- it's fairly booked up on Saturdays at the moment, but may try a Friday soon.
The suitcase's next definite appearances (and with some new card designs to boot) are at a fair at Badbrook Hall (opposite the Star Anise) on Sat and Sun 1st and 2nd and 8th and 9th December, from 11-4, and opening night 30th November, 6-9, so please drop by! I will also be at the Shambles (weather permitting) on Goodwill from 5.
If you need cards before then, let me know, as my studio is right in the middle of town, and I'm there most days.
Thanks for your interest.
I look forward to meeting you.
Best wishes,