Friday, 2 October 2015

Probably for the Best

Miserable Malcolm is making two outings in Stroud this October.  He’ll be delivering his regular “Dose of the Morose” at Mr Fluffypunk’s Pennygaff at SVA on Saturday 10th October at 8pm.  This month the Pennygaff features John Osborne and Molly Naylor, both of whom are off the radio, although this instance standing right in front of you.   

John Osborne also recently did a show entitled “Most People Aren’t That Happy Anyway”, so you can see why Malcolm is looking forward to it.

Then, on 29th October and also at SVA, Miserable Malcolm will be hosting the return of Miserable Poets’ Cafe – the Open Mic’ night purely for miserable poems.  Same rules apply as before:
·         No Glimmers of Hope
·         No Light at the End of the Tunnel
·         No Positivity

but, apart from that, everything goes.
For this one, I’ll also be encouraging people to bring along writing (diary entries, poems, etc) from their teenage years.
Because, frankly, none of us are getting any younger, are we?

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