Thursday, 7 July 2011

Some Aunts

The Aunt of Michelangelo, The Aunts and Crafts Movement, The Dark Aunts of Aleister Crowley, The Decorative Aunts, The Dramatic Aunts, The Erotic Aunts of the Orient, The Liberal Aunts

Q: Why (you ask) this sudden enthusiasm for Aunts?

A: It’s just something I got into at Aunt College.

Q: Then your enthusiasm is qualified?

A: Certainly. It grew by degrees. First I became a Bachelor of Aunts, then a Master of Aunts. But it all started for me when I read Robert Hughes’ book about Modern Aunt movements The Shock of the N(eph)ew.

... The Martial Aunts, The Plastic Aunts, The Sacred Aunts, “In my Craft and Sullen Aunt”, Zen and the Aunt of Motorcycle Maintenance. And, of course, the Japanese have an Aunt for everything: Flower-Arranging, Tea, Calligraphy, etc.

Q: Your interest in the Aunts is certainly timely. For currently many Aunts bodies are under threat.

A: This government has a complete disregard for the Aunts. (See Why The Aunts Matter, a publication of the Aunts Council.) And yet there are still spots in the country where the Aunts are flourishing:

(for instance, in the many aunted houses that litter our counties).

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